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Read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Quiz – Answer and also share to Friends cum Harry Potter Fans club if you wants.
1. What were the names of Harry’s aunt and uncle?
- Alice and Frank
- Lily and James
- Arthur and Molly
- Petunia and Vernon
2. Who tells Harry he’s a wizard?
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Minerva McGonagall
- Albus Dumbledore
- Ron Weasley
3. On the train to Hogwarts, Ron introduces Harry to…
- Gobstones
- Chocolate Frogs
- Cockroach Clusters
- Butterbeer
4. The Sorting Hat chooses Gryffindor for Harry… but it also considered…
- Ravenclaw
- Hufflepuff
- Slytherin
5. What class does Severus Snape teach?
- Defence Against the Dark Arts
- Care of Magical Creatures
- Potions
- Herbology
6. What magical object does Draco steal from Harry’s classmate, Neville?
- A broom
- A Deluminator
- A Remembrall
- A Sneakoscope
7. What Quidditch position does Harry end up playing in for the Gryffindor team?
- Seeker
- Chaser
- Keeper
- Beater
8. What spell does Ron use on the troll in the dungeon to knock him out with his own club?
- Alohomora
- Petrificus Totalus
- Wingardium Leviosa
- Locomotor Mortis
9. What chess piece does Ron choose to play as?
- Pawn
- Knight
- Rook
- King
10. What does Dumbledore tell Harry he sees in the Mirror of Erised?
- Magazines about knitting
- Sherbet lemons
- Anew pair of glasses
- Socks
11. Where do the Dursleys live?
- London
- Chelsea
- Surrey
- Staffordshire
12. The day before Harry is dropped on his doorstep, Vernon Dursley is unsettled by the sight of ___.
- A map-reading cat
- A levitating man
- Lord Voldemort
- A talking owl
13. What nickname do Dumbledore and McGonagall use when discussing Voldemort?
- The Dark Lord
- You-Know-Who
- Old Voldy
- Deathy McDeathface
14. What animal can Professor McGonagall transform herself into?
- An eel
- An owl
- A dog
- A cat
15. What kind of vehicle does Hagrid drive?
- A flying motorcycle
- A scooter
- A propeller plane
- A zeppelin
16. Eleven years after being left with the Dursleys, Harry Potter endures daily abuse and is forced to sleep ___.
- In a cupboard
- In a coal scuttle
- On the roof
- In a doghouse
17. On Dudley’s birthday, what is Harry asked to do immediately upon waking?
- Shine Dudley’s shoes
- Tend the bacon
- Fetch the paper
- Wash the windows
18. How many presents does Dudley Dursley receive on his birthday, to his great distress?
- Fifteen
- Twenty-one
- Thirty-seven
- Forty-nine
19. Who is Piers?
- Dudley Dursley’s friend
- Harry Potter’s babysitter
- Vernon Dursley’s brother
- The Dursleys’ dog
20. What kind of snake does Harry have a conversation with at the zoo?
- A python
- A boa constrictor
- A garter snake
- An anaconda
21. What is on the letter addressed to Harry that Vernon snatches before he can read it?
- A cat’s paw print
- A coat of arms
- Owl droppings
- A moving image
22. After receiving one letter addressed to him in The Cupboard Under the Stairs, where is Harry’s second letter addressed?
- The Smallest Bedroom
- Chez Dursley
- The Upstairs Water Closet
- The Linen Closet
23. How many letters arrive for Harry on the day after Vernon nails the mail slot shut?
- Three
- Seven
- Twelve
- Fifteen
24. After the Dursleys flee to escape the deluge of mail, how many letters for Harry are delivered to their hotel?
- Twenty
- Fifty
- Seventy
- A hundred
25. What time is it when a knock sounds on the door of the island shack where Harry and the Dursleys are staying?
- Midnight
- Two o’clock
- Noon
- Five o’clock
26. After Hagrid smashes down the door of their vacation shack, what does Vernon Dursley threaten him with?
- A knife
- A gun
- A blowtorch
- A grenade launcher
27. What kind of birthday cake does Hagrid present to Harry Potter?
- Chocolate
- Pistachio
- Red velvet
- Vanilla fudge
28. Apart from the cake, what else does Hagrid present to Harry after breaking down the door of the island shack?
- A new coat
- A wand
- A letter from Hogwarts
- An invisibility cloak
29. Hagrid introduces himself as Hogwarts’ Keeper of ___.
- Secrets
- Magical Creatures
- Keys and Grounds
- Shovels and Rope
30. Prior to Hagrid’s revelation, how had Harry always believed his parents died?
- In a car crash
- In a plane crash
- In a boating accident
- In an avalanche
31. What type of creature runs the wizard bank called Gringotts?
- Orcs
- Trolls
- Goblins
- Wargs
32. Which of the following is currency in the wizarding monetary system?
- Galleons
- Sickles
- Knuts
- Doubloons
33. The wand Harry chooses at Ollivander’s contains material from type of creature?
- Unicorn
- Phoenix
- Centaur
- Dragon
34. Which Hogwarts professor is pictured on one of the Famous Witches and Wizards cards discussed by Harry and Ron?
- Snape
- Quirrell
- McGonagall
- Dumbledore
35. How are the first-year students transported to Hogwarts’ castle after arriving at the station?
- In carriages
- In cars
- In boats
- On horseback
36. Which professor greets the first-year students as they arrive at Hogwarts?
- Snape
- Quirrell
- McGonagall
- Dumbledore
37. Which Hogwarts house does Harry hope he is not sorted into, as he finds its members unpleasant?
- Gryffindor
- Hufflepuff
- Ravenclaw
- Slytherin
38. What object sorts the students into their houses?
- Galoshes
- A cloak
- A hat
- A pair of pants
39. Nearly Headless Nick is the resident ghost of which Hogwarts house?
- Gryffindor
- Hufflepuff
- Ravenclaw
- Slytherin
40. During breakfast on his first Friday at Hogwarts, Harry receives an invitation to tea from ___.
- Dumbledore
- McGonagall
- Hagrid
- Hermione
41. During Harry’s first flying lesson, which student has an accident and breaks his wrist?
- Draco Malfoy
- Ron Weasley
- Neville Longbottom
- Seamus Finnegan
42. Who recommends Harry to Oliver Wood as a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
- Dumbledore
- Madame Hooch
- Hermione
- Professor McGonagall
43. Where is Harry supposed to meet Malfoy for a wizard’s duel?
- The trophy room
- The attic
- The Quidditch pitch
- The prefects’ bathroom
44. Who is Mrs. Norris?
- A school nurse
- A ghost at Hogwarts
- The Hogwarts caretaker’s cat
- Albus Dumbledore’s wife
45. On what floor is the forbidden area where Harry and his friends encounter the three-headed dog?
- Second
- Third
- Fifth
- Eighth
46. Which professor does Draco Malfoy try to report Harry to for owning a contraband broomstick?
- Snape
- Dumbledore
- Flitwick
- McGonagall
47. What skill does Flitwick begin to teach the students on Halloween?
- Levitation
- Disapparation
- Transfiguration
- Potion-making
48. Who interrupts the Halloween feast with the news that a troll has infiltrated the building?
- Professor Snape
- Neville Longbottom
- Professor Quirrell
- Hagrid
49. Who makes a nasty comment about Hermione’s superior airs, causing her to run off in tears?
- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Neville Longbottom
50. Where do Harry, Ron, and Hermione end up confronting the troll?
- In the girls’ bathroom
- In a classroom
- In the hallway
- In the dungeon
51. Who takes away the Quidditch book about that Harry is reading to prepare for his first match?
- Professor Snape
- Hermione Granger
- Draco Malfoy
- Professor Flitwick
52. Who does Harry overhear Snape talking with about the three-headed dog?
- Argus Filch
- Hagrid
- Albus Dumbledore
- Draco Malfoy
53. What is the name of the object that Harry is supposed to catch as the Quidditch Seeker?
- The Quaffle
- The Blodger
- The Persnicket
- The Golden Snitch
54. Who sets Snape’s robes on fire to break the spell on Harry’s broom?
- Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Hagrid
- Professor McGonagall
55. What does Hagrid reveal to be the name of the three-headed dog?
- Spot
- Cerberus
- Fluffy
- Tripple
56. The day before Christmas vacation, Hermione, Harry and Ron look for information in the library about ___.
- The three-headed dog
- Nicholas Flamel
- Magic potions
- Quidditch strategy
57. What does Harry receive as a Christmas gift from Ron’s mother?
- Candy and a sweater
- A broomstick
- A toad
- A photo album
58. In the anonymous note attached to the invisibility cloak, is it revealed that the cloak once belonged to ___.
- Nicholas Flamel
- Harry’s father
- Albus Dumbledore
- Voldemort
59. Harry is alarmed when he opens a book in the library’s restricted section and the book ___.
- Bites him
- Bursts into flame
- Starts screaming
- Turns to dust
60. When Ron looks in the mirror marked “Erised,” what does he sees himself holding?
- The Quidditch cup
- A baby
- A cat
- A stack of money
61. What does Hagrid win in a poker game, which he shows excitedly to Harry and his friends?
- Tickets to a concert
- A dragon’s egg
- An enchanted umbrella
- A blast-ended skrewt
62. Where is Ron’s brother Charlie studying?
- Ireland
- Ukraine
- Colombia
- Romania
63. Who is Norbert?
- Ron’s oldest brother
- The Hogwarts poltergeist
- A newly hatched dragon
- A Hufflepuff prefect
64. Harry, Ron and Hermoine arrange to meet Charlie’s friends on ___ to hand over the baby dragon.
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Saturday
- Sunday
65. Who catches Harry and his friends descending from the tower, after their meeting with Charlie’s friends?
- Argus Filch
- Professor Snape
- Hagrid
- Albus Dumbledore
66. How many points does McGonagall dock the three students for sneaking out at night?
- Ten each
- Twenty-five each
- Fifty each
- One-hundred-fifty each
67. Where do Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Draco serve their detention with Hagrid?
- In the library
- In the Forbidden Forest
- In the dungeon
- In the greenhouse
68. What substance has been spilled on the ground leading into the forest?
- Centaur blood
- Dog drool
- Unicorn blood
- Spider slime
69. Hagrid’s dog ___ accompanies the students while they search the forest.
- Bob
- Killer
- Cujo
- Fang
70. Who is Firenze ?
- A Hogwarts student
- A centaur
- A vagrant
- A giant
71. While visiting Hagrid, what does Harry learn is the three-headed dog’s weakness?
- Cats
- Music
- Treats
- Playing fetch
72. Who tries to stop Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they sneak out to try to obtain the Sorcerer’s Stone?
- Professor Snape
- Voldemort
- Neville Longbottom
- Argus Filch
73. What is sitting by the three-headed dog’s feet when Harry and his friends go to retrieve the Sorcerer’s Stone?
- A harp
- A magic mirror
- A T-bone steak
- An enchanted chain
74. What is flying around the room with the locked door that Harry and his friends must pass through?
- Wasps
- Winged keys
- A phoenix
- Paper birds
75. What game does Ron masterfully lead his friends through, letting himself be captured in the process?
- Sardines
- Tag
- Chess
- Quidditch
76. What kind of hat does Quirrell wear, which he removes to reveal Voldemort’s face?
- A turban
- A fedora
- A balaclava
- A fez
77. Where is the Sorcerer’s Stone as Harry battles Quirrell?
- On a shelf
- In Harry’s pocket
- In Quirrell’s mouth
- In another dimension
78. Dumbledore reveals that Harry’s father feuded with ___ when he was at Hogwarts.
- Professor Quirrell
- Professor Snape
- Argus Filch
- Hagrid
79. When Harry arrives at the end-of-year feast, which house’s colors decorate the dining hall?
- Gryffindor
- Hufflepuff
- Ravenclaw
- Slytherin
80. Who wins ten points for bravery at the end-of-year feast, clinching the house cup for his own house?
- Harry Potter
- Neville Longbottom
- Draco Malfoy
- Argus Filch
81. What is the name of Dudley’s friend who goes to the zoo with the Dursleys and Harry?
- Cormac
- Roger
- Piers
- Argus
82. After visiting Gringotts, what is the first shop Harry goes to in Diagon Alley?
- Eeylops Owl Emporium
- Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions
- Flourish and Blotts
- Ollivanders
83. Which house is Hannah Abbott sorted into?
- Gryffindor
- Hufflepuff
- Ravenclaw
- Slytherin
84. Who is the one ghost that can control Peeves?
- The Bloody Baron
- Nearly Headless Nick
- The Fat Friar
- The Grey Lady
85. Where does Draco propose he and Harry meet for their midnight duel?
- The forbidden forest
- The forbidden corridor
- The trophy room
- The Slytherin common room
86. What does Hagrid give Harry for Christmas?
- A moving picture of Fangs
- A wooden flute
- The scrapbook with pictures of his parents
- A box of Chocolate Frogs
87. What does Dumbeldore tell Harry he sees when he looks into the Mirror of Erised?
- A new pair of glasses
- His brother and sister
- A fancy hat
- Woolen socks
88. Which teacher referees the big Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff?
- Quirrell
- McGonagall
- Snape
- Flitwick
89. After realizing Norbert is dangerous, who comes to collect him from Harry and Hermione?
- Dumbledore takes the dragon away
- Charlie’s friends arrive at Hogwarts and take the dragon
- Charlie gets the dragon himself
- The Ministry of Magic is called and they take the dragon
90. Who has to go to the Forbidden Forest for detention with Hagrid?
- Malfoy, Harry, Ron, and Hermione
- Harry, Fred, and George
- Harry, Ron, and Hermione
- Harry, Hermione, Malfoy, and Neville
91. When Hagrid is trying to talk to Ronan and Bane, which planet do they keep talking about?
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Pluto
92. On the way to get the Sorcerer’s Stone, what is Snape’s challenge?
- Finding the ingredients for a Polyjuice Potion potion
- Finding the correct bottle with Felix Felicis inside
- A potion logic puzzle
- Figuring out which ingredient in a potion is wrong
93. What color fire does Hermione walk through to get back to Ron, who was still at the chess game?
- Black
- Orange
- Green
- Purple
94. And finally, who picks up Harry at Kings Cross at the end of the year?
- The Dursleys
- Mrs. Weasley
- Mrs. Figg
- No one
95. Which professor can turn into a cat?
- Professor Dumbledore
- Professor McGonagall
- Professor Snape
- Professor Sprout
96. Who brings baby Harry to the Dursley’s house?
- Dumbledore
- Hagrid
- Professor McGonagall
- Ronald Weasley
97. Do you remember where the Dursleys live?
- Little Whinging
- Wales
- Leviosa
- Alohamora
98. Why are Harry’s clothes so baggy ?
- He keeps losing weight.
- He magically gets smaller.
- His clothes aren’t baggy.
- He has to wear Dudley’s old clothes.
99. Where does Harry go with the Dursleys for Dudley’s birthday?
- The amusement park
- The arcade
- Hogwarts
- The zoo
100. How many presents does Dudley originally get for his birthday?
- 36
- 25
- 14
- 1
101. What kind of snake does Harry talk to while he’s at the zoo?
- Boa constrictor
- King cobra
- Burmese python
- Garter snake
102. When does Harry receive his first Hogwarts letter?
- When he is getting the mail for his aunt and uncle
- When he is on his way to the zoo
- When he is locked under the stairs
- When he gets his own room
103. What school is Dudley Dursley meant to go to?
- State School
- Oxford
- Mirinanion
- Smeltings
104. What is Hagrid’s job in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”?
- Care of Magical Creatures Professor
- Keeper of Keys and Grounds
- Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor
- Security at Hogwarts
105. What did the Dursleys tell Harry happened to his parents?
- They ran off with each other.
- They were arrested.
- They drowned.
- A car crash killed them.
106. Hagrid does something to Dudley, what is it?
- Yells at him
- Gives him a tail
- Pushes him
- Punches him
107. Where does Hagrid take Harry to buy his school supplies?
- Nocturne Alley
- Diagon Alley
- Quirell Alley
- Hogsmeade
108. Do you remember the name of the wizard bank?
- Ollivander’s
- Nimbus
- Gringotts
- Goblin Banking INC.
109. Which train platform does Harry have to go to in order to get on the Hogwarts Express?
- 10 1/2
- 8/5
- 9 3/4
- 1 1/2
110. What do Harry and Voldemort’s wand have in common?
- Unicorn hair
- Ollivander’s hair
- Dragon heartstring
- Phoenix feathers
111. Can you remember what Hagrid buys for Harry for his birthday?
- A quill
- Soup
- An owl
- His wand
112. Why doesn’t Hagrid write down Voldemort’s name for Harry?
- It’s a curse to write it down.
- He can’t spell it.
- He doesn’t have paper.
- He hates writing
113. How do witches and wizards make it to platform 9 3/4?
- They have to walk through a brick wall.
- They apparate there.
- They jump there.
- They use floo powder.
114. What are the names of the Weasley twins we meet in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”?
- Hank and Frank
- Sam and Cam
- Ron and Don
- Fred and George
115. Do you know which candy comes with cards of famous witches and wizards?
- Every Flavor Beans
- Licorice Wands
- Chocolate Frogs
- Pumpkin pasties
116. Which color does Ron try to turn Scabbers on the train?
- Blue
- Yellow
- Green
- Orange
117. How does Hermione show off when she first meets Harry and Ron?
- She fixes Harry’s glasses.
- She turns Scabbers yellow.
- She finds a frog.
- She flies.
118. How does Hermione show off when she first meets Harry and Ron?
- She fixes Harry’s glasses.
- She turns Scabbers yellow.
- She finds a frog.
- She flies.
119. What mode of transportation do first-year students at Hogwarts use?
- Horses
- Thestrals
- Boats
- Carriages
120. How does Draco Malfoy know that Ron’s last name is Weasley?
- He has red hair and an old robe.
- He has dirt on his nose.
- He has a rat.
- Draco doesn’t know Ron’s last name.
121. How do Hogwarts students know which house they are in?
- They pick a name out of a hat.
- Their professors tell them.
- Professor McGonagall separates them.
- The Sorting Hat tells them.
122. Which house does Harry ask the Sorting Hat to place him in?
- Not Slytherin
- Gryffindor
- Hufflepuff
- Ravenclaw
123. What is the name of the athletic professor at Hogwarts?
- Professor Biggles
- Madam Hooch
- Professor Flitwick
- Professor McGonagall
124. What is the name of the ghost of Gryffindor?
- Sir Nicholas
- The Bloody Baron
- Peeves
- Jimbo
125. Who guards the door of the Gryffindor common room?
- The white knight
- Dumbledor
- Snape
- The fat lady
126. Which class are Harry and Ron late for?
- Potions
- Defense Against the Dark Arts
- Herbology
- Transfiguration
127. Can you name the professor Harry thinks is after the Sorcerer’s Stone?
- Professor Quirrell
- Professor Granger
- Professor Snape
- Professor Sprout
128. What is Seamus trying to do when he makes a cup explode?
- Change the glass into an owl
- Turn water into rum
- Fill the glass with water
- Shrink the glass
129. What gift does Neville Longbottom get from his grandmother?
- A broomstick
- A remembrall
- A snitch
- A book
130. What creature is in Hogwarts on Halloween?
- Dragon
- House elf
- Troll
- Quidditch
131. Which ball does Harry have to focus on when he plays Quidditch?
- Bludger
- Golden Snitch
- Beater
- Bouncer
132. Why is there a three-headed dog at Hogwarts?
- It’s protecting the Socerer’s Stone.
- It’s Hagrid’s friend.
- It needs a place to stay.
- Dumbledore likes to put students in danger.
133. How does Ron help Harry and Hermione advance on their way to the Sorcerer’s Stone?
- Playing wizard’s chess
- Guessing potions
- Lighting a fire
- Finding a gold coin
134. What is underneath Professor Quirrell’s turban?
- Bugs
- Hair
- Voldemort
- The Sorcerer’s Stone
135. Who created the Sorcerer’s Stone?
- Albus Dumbledore
- Severus Snape
- Fluffy
- Nicolas Flamel
Not exclusively were the tales in the “Harry Potter” series fabulous, however the person improvement additionally impacted the manner in which we check fiction out. This test returns everything to the start with “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (Or “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” in the UK). On the off chance that you believe you’re a sufficiently large Potterhead to respond to these inquiries, you might be somewhat shocked at what you disregarded the primary book and film. Whether it’s been a long time since you read the books or watched the movies, or you invigorate consistently, take this test to test your Potter information and check whether you’ll get in excess of a palatable on your last score.